Hi guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in over a month. I just started year 3 at University and getting into the swing of things was a bit rough. Uni literally went from 0-100 real quick, I had 3 exams last week! I'm currently studying for the MCAT right now, so when I have study breaks I want to update the site with my Scandinavia trip posts since I still have a couple left. Also, where I live right now it currently feels like summer, so heres to hoping cold weather comes soon so I can be inspired to create autumnal posts. Now with out further ado:
Norway Day 5
I took a bit of a break to just enjoy some of the days with the fam and not write, so it's picking up of day 5!
Today we woke up to a rainy cold Norway, but considering its 110 where I live I was very happy with this weather 😂. Our first stop was to Televag. Televag is a town in Norway with a history that is to be known all over the world. It is a town that was completely obliterated by Nazi Germany and it’s inhabitants went through a tragedy that should never be repeated. The town was rebuilt after the war was over and it is a place that needs to be visited.
Before we drove back to the hotel we stopped at a small Norwegian cafe where we had some Norwegian pancakes and coffee! I really love their tradition of eating pancakes with sour cream and jelly, y’all should try it.
We then had the day free. We went shopping (because no clothes haha 🙄). We also found an amazing Indian restaurants, I’m Indian and although I LOVE experiencing different cultures and their food, and Indian will need some Indian food after a couple of days 😂. Also, as much as Norway is (for the most part) vegetarian friendly, you need some dal and rice for sustenance and protein.
That's it for Norway day 5! Hopefully y'all like this short post <3
Peace and Blessings,