Hey y'all! Im so excited to write my first post for Srini and the City (SATC). For those of you who don't know, I'm actually an incoming medical student and i'll be attending medical school in NYC! I've always dreamt about being a doctor and living in the city (Sex and the City is one of my favorite TV shows hence the name ha). It's surreal that my dreams are becoming a reality and while I didn't imaging i'd be attending medical school in the middle of a pandemic, i'm still excited about what this chapter will bring. I want my SATC posts to cover everything from living in NYC in my 20s, going through medical school, life, food, and so much more!
I thought i'd start off my medical school SATC post talking about all the school related stuff i've gotten for my journey in medical school! Here's everything i've ordered so far!
iPad 10.2 inch -> I'm incredibly grateful that my medical school is actually providing us with these iPads! Towards the end of college I realized how useful iPads were for class, especially since my laptop is quite heavy. With learning being online having an iPad will be great because I can take notes (i'm def a paper note taker but I want to switch to a paperless method) on it while still listening to lecture on my computer!
iPad cover -> I LOVE this cover! I got the blue marble effect and its such a great cover complete with a screen protector and a place for my apple pencil! I've added pics of mine below:
MacBook Pro -> I've had my laptop since senior year of highschool and I LOVE it. It's a little bit heavy so it sucks having to carry it around, but it has big screen and a quad processor. I haven't seen the need to upgrade yet and now that I have an iPad, I can use my laptop for lectures and personal use and carry my iPad around instead!
Apple Pencil -> I got a pencil for my iPad so that it's a bit easier to take notes! I also love editing pictures so I know this will help greatly!
laptop stand -> I think this is such a great investment for medical school! I've been getting a neck cramps recently due to always being on my laptop due to the pandemic. Having a laptop desk can really help with neck cramps!
Sturdy Backpack -> My mom was super sweet to give me her tech backpack that she got from work. Its super big and has tons of pockets so I feel like all my stuff is safe!
What are y'all bringing to school? Let me know in the comments!
Peace and Love,